Page name: Win a badge [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-12-23 03:43:46
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Win a badge

This is where you can win a badge...
All you gotta do is draw the thing I ask you to draw.
It could be anything; anime, realistic, your own character, a cartoon with my characters, something funny about... umm... a pencill, a hand that's holding a beer, ect.


The rules
Yes... I'm sorry, but I do have rules.
-First of all, never steal art
-The picture must be coloured in, but I do allow pictures with good shade effects instead of colour.
-You can enter 3 drawings.
-When the final date is set, I won't change it... so be on time.
-I think those where the most important things, but finally... have fun, and don't panic if you don't win, just try & try again ;)



1st Place:
-under construction!-

2nd Place:
-under construction!-

3rd Place:
-under construction!-

Participation badge:
-under construction!-


The Competition

This is the second competition that I'm hosting.
1. Plz read the rules first and obey them.
2. I want you to make a logo for my new 'airbrush art & design studio'.
I like tribal stuff, skulls, snakes, swords...biker type things.
Don't make anything too big and detailed 'cos the design is for my bussines cards. My studio is called 'Deadly Creations'.
The winner will have his/her design put on my cards and I'll send one over in the post if they want it and they'll win a badge.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.

3. When you've finished your picture, add it to the page.


Click here to see the winners of the past competitions ---> Win a Badge Winners


Here's the design I've got on my current card...



2. [Jewl]


3. [*DIABOLICAL MASQUERADE*] Hope you like my skull, I love skulls. Hope its ok if its not computer colored.
2nd entry, I used the watercolors that I got for X-Mas, and a black Prismacolor pencil. This is my first drawing of the new year!

4. [PixieStickChick] Well here it is... ^.^

5. [over stimulated kittie]

6. [over stimulated kittie]


7. [Jewl] <img200*0:>

8. [jsun]

Go back to the I love Deadly_DNA_Girl's art startpage or....
Deadly_DNA_Girl's Characters
Random Crap
My drawings
Competition art
My owners ;)

<img: a badge>


Username (or number or email):


2004-08-09 [One Thousand Brown MMs]: I am so going to try and entering this contest

2004-08-09 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: lol, good to hear that :D

2004-08-09 [One Thousand Brown MMs]: :P

2004-08-10 [One Thousand Brown MMs]: that cat is sinister

2004-08-12 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: hehe... that's gizmo & lisa, crazy cats... that's why I love em ;)

2004-08-12 [One Thousand Brown MMs]: *whimpers*

2004-08-12 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: look, now there's a hamster/mouse badge

2004-08-12 [_Ni_]: the badges r great!

2004-08-12 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: hehe, so great that you wanna enter the competition ;)

2004-08-12 [_Ni_]: i still don't know if i'm going to enter... some bad things happend to me, and i don't hav much time to draw, but i'm trying!

2004-08-12 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: k, there isn't a date set yet so take your time, I'd love to see one of your drawings here though

2004-08-13 [_Ni_]: i'll try.........

2004-08-13 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: yay :D

2004-08-13 [_Ni_]: ya! ^_______^

2004-08-13 [_Ni_]: great badge!!!

2004-08-13 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: lol... thx

2004-08-13 [_Ni_]: your welcome

2004-08-13 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: :)  now i just gotta make , two '3rd place' badges and a participation badge

2004-08-16 [opk]: cool

2004-08-16 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: so... when can I see the first picture, 'cos it's kinda empty here...

2004-08-18 [_Ni_]: yay dna, when does this competion ends?

2004-08-19 [lil_hobbit_gurl]: yea for real when does it end

2004-08-19 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: I was planning to end it mid or end september

2004-08-19 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: pictures will be back tomorrow or later by the way, so don't worry ;)

2004-08-19 [One Thousand Brown MMs]: i cant enter now :( i'm leaving so yeah.. wish i could

2004-08-19 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: that's oke...

2004-08-21 [_Ni_]: yay!!!! i'm almost finish!!!!!

2004-08-21 [_Ni_]: and i'm planing to do another!! i can enter 3 drawings right?

2004-08-21 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: yep... good to here you want to make more :D

2004-08-21 [_Ni_]: i like it!!!!!!!

2004-08-21 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: and the more you make, the more chance that you'll win ;) can't wait to see it... is it ready yet, is it ready yet?... *acts like an impatient little kiddy* it ready yet... :)

2004-08-21 [_Ni_]: no... its not ready yet...i hav to finish colouring it...i don't hav very good pencils, but i tryed my best....

2004-08-21 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: I'll be patient... 'cos you gotta make as good as possible (which I'm sure you will), but if I rush you, you might make misstakes ^_^

2004-08-21 [_Ni_]: well... i like to draw... actually i LOVE to draw.. but not always my drawings go good... actually. i don't think my drawings are good.. so, anyway, i'll try my best but i don't know... its not easy for me!

2004-08-21 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: you'll get a badge anywayz, so it's worth it ;) I think I might make a second participation badge, the one I got now is a bit rude (the 'Loser' handsignal) for some people I think :D

2004-08-21 [_Ni_]: yeah.... i litle bit.... but if u don't hav time... well... its still a badge!

2004-08-21 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: I'll make a cool one ;)  by the way I just changed my stupid wiki banner a bit, it looks like it's been drawn on a wall now...

2004-08-21 [_Ni_]: yah... i notest it... its cool!!!!!!!!

2004-08-21 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: thankies... I gotta make a banner now, so cya laterz ;)

2004-08-21 [_Ni_]: bye!

2004-08-25 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: I'm gonna re-design all the banners... 'cos I've finally figured out how to colour stuff with the pc :D  ,let me know if anyone wants some or even all the badges to stay

2004-08-25 [_Ni_]: i like this new ones...

2004-08-25 [_Ni_]: ei! i made my drawing already... i'll put the link here... here it goes: <img:**> ! its not very good but... well, if the link isn't correct, the drawing is at my house, and u can see it anytime! thnks!

2004-08-25 [_Ni_]: ups, that didn't go well, <img:> here its better...

2004-08-25 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: k, I'll add it... it's really good ^_^ ...what does the text say, can't read it

2004-08-26 [_Ni_]: grompy shromp is saying: " how far do u think i can throw it?" and tordy is saying: "*sigh!*"... ^_^

2004-08-26 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: hehe... that's cute ^_^ that's realy something Grumpy Shroompf would say ;)

2004-08-27 [_Ni_]: YAY!!! i didn't knew what to do... so i though something like that... but i'm thinking other things...

2004-08-27 [_Ni_]: i'm going to do another drawing... i already though about it, but i haven't draw it yet... ^_^

2004-08-27 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: k, go right ahead :D

2004-08-27 [_Ni_]: ^_^

2004-09-21 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: hmm... I think I'll have to end this competition pretty soon, like tomorrow or something, 'cos nobody is entering... looks like you'll win Tanini ;)

2004-09-21 [_Ni_]: oh... a victory like that doesn't feel very good....

2004-09-22 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: lol, don't worry, 'cos I'll start another better contest... like draw a creepy looking skelleton or design a tattoo kinda thing

2004-09-22 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: which badge do you want...

2004-09-24 [_Ni_]: lol....

2004-09-24 [_Ni_]: i think the first one... they're cute!

2004-09-25 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: k, I'll send you the link

2004-09-25 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: wohoo, new competiton

2004-09-25 [_Ni_]: YAY! new competiton! ^_^

2004-10-05 [livingdeadgurl]: i wanna win a badge dammit........this is gonna be a fun one who knows i might actully enter yay hehe!!

2004-10-06 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: yay! I hope you enter :D  ...I'll scan in the bussines card I got for now, so you kinda know what type thing I mean :D

2004-10-06 [_Ni_]: ^_^

2004-10-06 [livingdeadgurl]: auight!! ill try......i gotta remember what program i used to use for business cards....dammit my brain hurts already

2004-10-06 [_Ni_]: lol... good luck [livingdeadgurl]

2004-10-06 [livingdeadgurl]: lol thanks all need it i cant find the ruddy program

2004-10-06 [_Ni_]: lol... i'm shure you'll find it, don't worry!

2004-10-07 [livingdeadgurl]: yay i found it!! haha it only took about an hour of searching lol now i have to disighn it though ugg....

2004-10-07 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: oeps-y-doodle, forgot to scan in my card... better do that soon, but I'm too lazy to go all the way to my room and scan the thingy *yawn* ;)

2004-10-07 [livingdeadgurl]: lol well get up ya lazy lil thing

2004-10-07 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: oooh... *puppy face*... oke, I'm bored anyway I guess... shouldn't take too long, brb

2004-10-07 [livingdeadgurl]: hehe aww puppyface!! lol auight hb

2004-10-07 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: done! I tried scanning my entire card, but it came out in bad quality, so I just did the skull design (I saved that one on the pc) :D

2004-10-07 [livingdeadgurl]: auight workin on a disighn right now to i hope it works

2004-10-07 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: yay :D

2004-10-07 [livingdeadgurl]: lol dont yay so fast iv never done this b4 i suck

2004-10-07 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: hehe, so :) ...if your gonna try your best, I'm happy :D

2004-10-07 [livingdeadgurl]: o dont worry i will try my best i just dont draw well with the computer thats the only problem...i desighned a tat for my friend once and i thought omg that would be perfect but i prommissed him i would never give it to anyone else :(

2004-10-07 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: hehe, that's nice :)  you can always just draw something in pencil or whatever and scan it in, I'll then colour it with the pc later... I just need a design at the moment, so don't worry about that ;)

2004-10-07 [livingdeadgurl]: yeah no scanner currently though........well maybe...but i dunno we got photoshop 6.0 now and im pretty pumped about it and just wanna play around with it a bit see what i can make so it gives me a kick ass project to work on

2004-10-07 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: oke, that's good as well ;) I gotta go to bed now, nighty night :D

2004-10-08 [livingdeadgurl]: night night gurly

2004-10-09 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: is your entry allmost done yet, huh huh huh... *acts like a pesky kid*

2004-10-09 [livingdeadgurl]: psht no it will never be done!! muahaha wait how long do i have to do it? is there anyone else who has entered i wanna see!

2004-10-09 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: nobody entered yet... no deadline either so far... I'm just bored and want to see something :D

2004-10-09 [_Ni_]: oh... sorry deadly..... i tryed my best, but this one i can't enter....

2004-10-09 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: aww, why not :(

2004-10-09 [_Ni_]: i don't know how to do it! never did it before!... sorry.... really sorry...

2004-10-09 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: hehe, you don't have to make the card, just draw a picture that should go on the card, I'll put it on the card myself later... so, will you try, please *puppy face*

2004-10-09 [_Ni_]: but but... i never done simething like this before! and i think i'm unskilled for this kind of thing... i can try to think of something... but... i will not promise nothing...

2004-10-09 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: skill is just a word... and a good idea is almost as good as the art itself ;)

2004-10-10 [_Ni_]: awww.... thnks... i'll try but i can't promise anything....

2004-10-10 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: yay, a try is good enough for me :D

2004-10-10 [_Ni_]: ^_^

2004-10-11 [livingdeadgurl]: ima put mine on a card cuz i wanna see how it will look i finaly figured out my programs sumwhat.......its gonna all be black and white though no color it wont win cuz it sucks ass but it will be sumthing and i kinda like it so far its just a desighn not an actual pic of sumthing

2004-10-11 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: hehe, good enough :) can't wait to see it :D

2004-10-12 [livingdeadgurl]: lol its bad so u should wait to see it i cant make the sides even

2004-10-12 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: lol :D

2004-10-12 [livingdeadgurl]: lol omg drunken ramblings....

2004-10-12 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: hehe... *points and laughs at drunk livingdeadgurl*...hihihi... got any drinks left? *she says hopefully* :D

2004-10-12 [livingdeadgurl]: no im not drunk anymore that was last night i dun remember any of last night!!

2004-10-12 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: hehe... that's always fun ;)

2004-10-12 [livingdeadgurl]: no no i dont think it was judging by the storys im being told

2004-10-19 [PixieStickChick]: Is there a deadline yet?

2004-10-19 [livingdeadgurl]: god i hope not

2004-10-20 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: not yet :D I'll wait till there are at least 5 entries... then I'll give the official deadline :)

2004-10-20 [livingdeadgurl]: ok!

2004-10-21 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: I'm gonna make new badges as well :)

2004-10-21 [livingdeadgurl]: yay

2004-10-22 [Sagacious Turkey]: those badges give me nightmares... o_O

2004-10-22 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: mwahahaha ;)

2004-10-22 [livingdeadgurl]: there good nightmares...

2004-10-28 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: is it almost ready yet :)

2004-10-28 [Saffron]: where did you get that counter?

2004-10-28 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: copy this link <*img: a badge*> get rid of the *'s though...but change the win a badge bit, to whatever you wiki is called

2004-10-29 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: oh cool picture [Jewl] :D

2004-10-29 [livingdeadgurl]: thats not fair i cant compete with that...

2004-10-29 [Jewl]: lol thanks. ^.^

2004-10-29 [Jewl]: I can make the filling White, though, if I win and you want me to. ^.^

2004-10-29 [livingdeadgurl]: i wanna fix the snake ....its bugging me 

2004-10-30 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: lol :) ...I was actualy thinking the black background looks kinda good on it, you can always post the same picture with a white background if you want, I would then count them as one entry in that case

2004-10-30 [Jewl]: hrm... well, wither or. If I win, you can see the white backround... =D

2004-10-30 [livingdeadgurl]: *covers her eyes* cant look at it anymore god offence...ima perfectionist on sum things...its driving

2004-10-30 [Jewl]: *chuckles* What's bad about it?

2004-10-30 [livingdeadgurl]: its just i dunno...uhh there is sumthing about the snake head...its ahhhhhhhhhhhhh driving me insane

2004-10-30 [Jewl]: Hmm, what about it? maybe I could fix it...

2004-10-30 [livingdeadgurl]: no dont it wont work it will always bug me...its just one of my stupid things

2004-10-30 [Jewl]: lol it's alright..

2004-10-30 [Jewl]: could you post more than one entry?

2004-10-30 [livingdeadgurl]: up to 3

2004-10-30 [Jewl]: ooh, cool...

2004-10-30 [livingdeadgurl]: yupyup i thought so 2

2004-10-30 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: lol :D ...funny people ^_^

2004-10-30 [livingdeadgurl]: yup as always

2004-10-30 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: *glomps dgurl* ya doing babe :D (don't mind me, I'm just happy cos it's halloween tomorrow) :)

2004-10-30 [livingdeadgurl]: *glomps back* shitty...but not soo bad cuz it is haloween!! and i have had my traditional 4 days of costume dressing up scaring the shit outa little old mennonite ppl in the mall *ahh good mamories*

2004-10-30 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: lol :D I would have like to see that =)

2004-10-30 [Mortified Penguin]: yo yo yo yo embryo!!!s'up my homies?

2004-10-30 [livingdeadgurl]: lol o yes it was rather amusing....hola

2004-11-13 [PixieStickChick]: is the contest over?

2004-11-13 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: nope... I'm waiting for at least 5 entries

2004-11-14 [Evil-Genious]: ILL ADD 1

2004-11-14 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: yay :) feel free to add it to the page

2004-11-14 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: white background looks great with the picture jewl :)

2004-11-14 [Jewl]: XD Well... you asked for it... that's kind of a bad shot of it... but you get the basic gist.

2004-11-17 [PixieStickChick]: I drew something too! Woot!

2004-11-17 [PixieStickChick]: I just didn't color it cause I suck at coloring... Do I put it up anyways?

2004-11-18 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: yes! :D

2004-11-18 [PixieStickChick]: okie dokie smokie

2004-11-18 [Sagacious Turkey]: smokie?!

2004-11-18 [livingdeadgurl]: mmm smokes...

2004-11-18 [PixieStickChick]: No smokes! They're not good for you! I just said that cause it rhymed and crap

2004-11-18 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: lol :)

2004-11-19 [livingdeadgurl]: psht fine then

2004-11-28 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: I wanna see more entries, come on people ;)

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